100 NEW Blog Topics for Fiction Writers

One of our most popular blog posts from the past few years was called 50 Blog Topics for Fiction Writers. I had a conversation with a fiction writer who said, "I write fiction - why would I need a blog? What on earth would I write about?"

That conversation inspired the blog post. And from the response that we got, it was a question that many fiction writers were asking as well. 

For years I've heard from publishers, agents, and authors that they didn't think blogs were necessary for fiction writers. I 100% disagree. 

Blogs provide three important benefits for authors: 

1) Value. A blog, podcast, video blog - whatever medium you want to use - is still the best way to show readers (and potential new readers) the author's writing style, and it provides a long-form medium (relative to social media posts) to develop deeper interest and intrigue into their new book.

2) Traffic. A blog is the best way to drive traffic from social media back to the author's website, which makes them, their book, and online presence more visible by helping with search engine rankings and social algorithms.

3) Connection. We don't want readers to stay on social media - we want to drive them to the author's website. A blog is the best way to deepen the connection between an author and their readers. 

The purpose of a blog isn't for a writer to talk about themselves. The purpose of a blog is to provide content that speaks to their ideal reader. 

If you're a fiction writer and you haven't seen success with your blog, I would like to pose a question: 

Are you using your blog as a means of promotion or to connect with your ideal readers?

If you want your blog, social media, book marketing, and so on to work, you have to come at it from the perspective of your ideal reader.

Here are 100 new blog topics for fiction writers to get you going, as promised:

  1. Write a review for a book within your genre.

  2. Talk about how the story you're currently writing stands out from others in your genre.

  3. Have fans submit a situation, a time period, and problem on social media. Randomly pick suggestions and write a short story using those words for inspiration.

  4. Share your morning routine. 

  5. Feature one of your readers on your blog.

  6. Ask fans on social media what they look for in a book. Take those answers and write a post about how your new book fits into what they are looking for.

  7. Write about an author who has influenced your writing.

  8. Profile the person who inspired your main character in your new book.

  9. Share a place that you go to to find inspiration (museum, park, coffee shop, etc.). 

  10. If you’re in a writers group or Facebook Group with other writers, feature one of them on your blog.

  11. Share the first piece you ever wrote - talk about how you’ve grown as a writer and what you’ve learned from it.

  12. Go into more detail regarding a subtopic of your book.

  13. Share one of your hobbies - what you do when you’re not writing. 

  14. How you take care of yourself/practice self-care.

  15. Share the best writing advice you’ve ever gotten. 

  16. Discuss a current event that is important to you. 

  17. Share a monthly post about what you’re currently reading. 

  18. Discuss TV shows or movies that fit within your genre. 

  19. List your favorite podcasts and why you like them. 

  20. Write a list of discussion topics for a book club reading your book. 

  21. Have your readers help you create a list of books to read for the next 12 months. 

  22. Share how you discover new books to read and have your readers share how they discover new books in the comments.

  23. Interview your local librarian. 

  24. Discuss your research process. 

  25. Share articles or news bits that you find interesting, inspiring, or helpful.

  26. Around Christmas, share books that would make great presents or other book-related gifts. 

  27. Review a movie that was based on a book. 

  28. Feature one of your favorite charities and why it’s important to you.

  29. Create a soundtrack for your new book and share it on Spotify.

  30. Create a Pinterest board for each of your new characters and talk about them on your blog.

  31. Discuss the hardest thing about being a writer. 

  32. Talk about the best thing about being a writer. 

  33. Share what makes your writing or style different from other writers in your genre - this might be challenging but try it.

  34. Write a blog post about how readers can be a part of your launch team. This should be done about 8-9 weeks before your release date. 

  35. Feature your local bookstore or used bookstore. 

  36. Share a collection of your favorite book covers/cover art and why you like them.

  37. Share 5 books that have made a lasting impression on you and why. 

  38. If you’re a new author, talk about your writing style and what readers can expect to experience in your books.

  39. Talk about the supporting characters in your new book - what inspired their name, personality, characteristics, etc.

  40. Share your personal DIY’s: If you like to craft, cook, etc., walk them through a project.

  41. If you’re starting a New Years resolution, share what you’re doing and your progress.

  42. Talk about what you hope your readers take away from your new book. 

  43. Write about a subject or cause that you’re passionate about.  

  44. Share how you keep your characters, storylines, etc., organized. Do you use an outline? Notecards? Post-its all over your walls? 

  45. If you have kids, share how you squeeze in time to write or how you balance the two.

  46. Find a cooking, craft, make-up, or hairstyle tutorial on YouTube and try it yourself. If you can video yourself doing it, even better! It a good way to show your fun/personable side. 

  47. Highlight three current authors that you like/respect and what you like about their books/writing.

  48. Feature your book cover designer - talk about other covers they have worked on, what you love about their work, etc. 

  49. Talk about the people who have helped you with your book - your editor, designer, illustrator, etc.

  50. Share writing advice to aspiring authors - what are three things you wish someone would have told you? 

  51. Talk about the inspiration behind your current book. If you have more than one book out, do a series on what inspired each of those books. 

  52. Who or what inspired your characters.

  53. How you do your research.

  54. Share chapters or sections that might have been cut from the final draft.

  55. Have your fans submit questions that you answer on your blog.

  56. Share a picture of your writing space and talk about some unique or special things you have within that space.

  57. Share the story of how you became a writer, who inspired you, etc.

  58. Review books that you are currently reading.

  59. Share your character's backstory.

  60. Write the blog post as one of the characters in your book.

  61. Share specific struggles you face when writing and how you have (or are trying to) work through them.

  62. If you are a published author share how you published your first book.

  63. If you are a self-published author share how you went about that process.

  64. If you are working on a new book introduce your readers to a new character or locations that will be featured.

  65. If you are researching your new book share how you are going about it - and include pictures if you can!

  66. Talk about your favorite book growing up and the impact it had on you.

  67. Do your characters have special hobbies or interests? Do a post in character talking about those interests - cooking, gardening, various collections, etc.

  68. Interview one of your characters.

  69. Come across something interesting in your research? Write about it!

  70. Is someone assisting you in your research efforts? Feature them!

  71. Share the most valuable writing tips you have received.

  72. What was the best review you have received for a book?

  73. What was your worst review and what did you learn from it?

  74. Who is your writing hero?

  75. What elements from your life were weaved throughout your latest book?

  76. Where do you find inspiration?

  77. Do you battle writers block? How do you work through that?

  78. What advice do you have for wanna be writers? Share your writers story.

  79. Name your Top 10 all-time favorite books and why you love them.

  80. What is in your writer's toolbox? For example, what computer do you use? Do you write longhand? What kind of pen do you use? What writing software do you use? And so on…

  81. What struggles do your characters face?

  82. What is your ultimate goal as a writer?

  83. Do you have writer friends? Interview and feature them on your blog.

  84. Did you talk with a specialist for your book? Interview and feature them.

  85. What is your writing process like?

  86. Create a playlist of your favorite music you like to listen to while you write.

  87. Ask fans to vote on the names of your upcoming characters.

  88. Have fans contribute or vote on your next book cover & feature it on your blog.

  89. Are your characters based on friends or family? Give them more insight into how they inspired that character.

  90. Share pictures of the town/city/location that inspired the setting of your books. Talk about specific locations featured in the book and why they were included.

  91. Do you have a writing ritual? Blog about it.

  92. Share a character's "favorite recipe" or a "secret family recipe" and cook it. Share pictures.

  93. Is your book historical fiction? Write about what life was like then. Share special details within your research, food they ate, how life was different, etc.

  94. Any writing advice you want to share with aspiring authors.

  95. How you market your books.

  96. Ask for fans favorite storylines and see if they have ideas or suggestions regarding what should happen next.

  97. If you are a published author with many books under your belt, write about the difference between your first book and your latest. Talk about the differences in style, character development, etc.

  98. Working on a new book? Share the first chapter and get feedback.

  99. Put new writers minds at ease with your "Top 10 Most Common Writing Obstacles Every Writer Faces" list.

  100. How you celebrate when your book is completed.

If you want to go a step further and get all of the tools, resources, and help that you need to market your book, grow on social media, and sell more books - join The Author Circle membership!


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